Complete bibliography

Author Title Place of publication Year PDFsort ascending
Giannini, Giovanni Antica storia in versi del Volto Santo Lucca 1916 view
Classen, Albrecht Sexuality in the Middle Ages and the early modern times : new approaches to a fundamental cultural-historical and literary-anthropological theme Berlino 2008 view
Dehio, Georg Handbuch der deutschen Kunstdenkmäler: Mecklenburg. Die Bezirke Neubrandenburg, Rostock, Schwerin überarb. v. d. Abteilung Forschung des Instituts für Denkmalpflege Berlino 1980 view
Ascani, Valerio - Martinelli, Stefano - Rossi, Eleonora Il volto santo di Rocca Soraggio : Storia e restauro Lucca 2009 view
Sierksma, Fokke The Gods as We Shape Them 1960 view
Venturi, Adolfo Storia dell’arte italiana Milano 1914 view
Vogüé Adalbert El papel del abad según la regla de San Benito en una cultura que cambia Abadía de Silos 2003 view
Pfeiffer, Heinrich Il Volto Santo: la questione della provenienza orientale Empoli 2003 view
Porée, Adolphe-André Histoire de l'Abbaye du Bec 1901 view
